Why A Plant-Based Diet Is Better
Switching to 100% plant-based diet means focusing more on health, and eating only plants without nutritional deficiencies requires a lot of self-education.
If you go cold-turkey from a meat heavy diet, in the first 2-3 weeks there will be a big gut microbiom change that makes you crave for meat, eggs and dairy. What I personally suggest is easy down on red meat first and cut down gradually as you infuse more plant varieties into your diet. The point is not to be dogmatic about “not eating meat, dairy and eggs”, but incorporate more varieties of high nutrition density per calorie food in your diet – as most meat eaters have very few other nutrients apart from their mains.
There are many resources available:
- Nutrition: Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen App. An absolute must reference for health and nutritional deficiencies prevention.
A summary video of what is needed in a whole-food, plant-based diet was perfectly summarized by Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen: (the App is up to date with more current findings)
Also highly recommended is Dr. Greger’s and its YouTube channel, a pure non-profit information source that releases new findings in published studies and evidence-based research almost every day.
If you want to learn a few recipes, Dr. Greger also has The How Not To Die Cookbook, a beautifully-designed, comprehensive cookbook complete with more than 120 recipes for delicious, life-saving, plant-based meals, snacks, and beverages.
Here’s a list of more vegan resources:
Pick Up Limes: 3.5 Million+ subs YouYube channel on vegan recipes and general lifestyle tips
Veganuary: For not yet but vegan-curious minds. Everything you need to know about why and how to go vegan with ease.
LIVEKINDLY: News channel on vegan industry, animal rights, environmental progress
Avant Garde Vegan: UK based chef for more heartier and protein oriented recipes
Thug Kitchen (with 3 immensely popular and NYT#1 cookbooks)